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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Cambodia repatriates remains believed to be of 3 missing American soldiers from Vietnam War

Typically, I have not been posting a link to another story in this space, but this story deserves to be shared.  There were hundreds of Americans listed as "Missing in Action" during the Vietnam War and, specifically, 90 of those were listed as MIA during the Cambodian campaign, of which only 37 have since been located, recovered, and identified.  This leaves over fifty families awaiting news of what happened to their loved ones who served in the Cambodian campaign during the Vietnam War.  Perhaps the discovery of the remains of these three will be able to provide closure to three families who have waited way too long for answers.  Remember, it does not matter whether you were a "hawk" or a "dove," whether you protested or served, whether you agreed or disagreed with the war itself, these men answered the call of duty and served their country when asked.  They deserve our respect and our thanks.  Please keep them and their families in your thoughts as the process of identification moves forward.

For more information on the story itself, please follow the link to the Star Tribune's story.

"Cambodia repatriates remains believed to be of 3 missing American soldiers from Vietnam War"